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Update dependency argoproj/argo-cd to v2

Renovate Bot requested to merge renovate/argoproj-argo-cd-2.x into master

This MR contains the following updates:

Package Update Change
argoproj/argo-cd major v1.8.7 -> v2.0.4

Release Notes



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Quick Start

kubectl create namespace argocd
kubectl apply -n argocd -f
kubectl create namespace argocd
kubectl apply -n argocd -f
Bug Fixes
  • fix: typo in networkPolicy definition in manifests (#​6532)
  • fix: Update redis to 6.2.4 (#​6475)
  • fix: allows access to dex metrics from any pod (#​6420)
  • fix: add client side retry to prevent 'transport is closing' errors (#​6402)
  • fix: Update documentation Argocd app CRD health with app of apps (#​6281)
  • fix(ui): Crash on application pod view (#​6384)
  • chore: pin mkdocs version to fix docs build (#​6421)
  • chore: regenerate manifests using codegen (#​6422)
  • refactor: use RLock and RUnlock for project to improve performance (#​6225)
  • chore: Update Golang to v1.16.4 (#​6358)


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Quick Start

kubectl create namespace argocd
kubectl apply -n argocd -f
kubectl create namespace argocd
kubectl apply -n argocd -f
Bug Fixes
  • fix: add missing --container flag to 'argocd app logs' command (#​6320)
  • fix: grpc web proxy must ensure to read full header (#​6319)
  • fix: controller should refresh app before running sync operation (#​6294)


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Quick Start

kubectl create namespace argocd
kubectl apply -n argocd -f
kubectl create namespace argocd
kubectl apply -n argocd -f
Bug Fixes
  • fix: enable access to metrics port in embedded network policies (#​6277)
  • fix: display log streaming error in logs viewer (#​6100) (#​6273)
  • fix: Don't count errored or completed neighbor pods toward resource consumption (#​6259)
  • fix: Enable kex algo diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 for go-git ssh (#​6256)
  • fix: copy github app key from repocreds (#​6140, #​6197)
  • fix(ui): UI crashes after reinstalling ArgoCD (#​6218)
  • fix: add network policies to restrict traffic flow between argocd components (#​6156)
  • fix: Revert "feat: Add health checks for kubernetes-external-secrets (#​5435)"
  • chore: Allow ingress traffic to argocd-server by default (#​6179)


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Bug Fixes
  • fix: spark application check fails on missing section (#​6036)
  • fix: Adding explicit bind to redis and sentinel for IPv4 clusters #​5957 (#​6005)
  • fix: fix: use correct field for evaluating whether or not GitHub Enterprise is selected (#​5987)


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Upgrade instructions

Pods View

Pods View is particularly useful for applications that have hundreds of pods. Instead of visualizing all Kubernetes resources for the application, it only shows Kubernetes pods and closely related resources. The Pods View supports grouping related resources by Parent Resource, Top Level Parent, or by Node. Each way of grouping solves a particular use case. For example grouping by Top Level Parent allows you to quickly find how many pods your application is running and which resources created them. Grouping by Node allows to see how Pods are spread across the nodes and how many resources they requested.

Logs Viewer

Argo CD provides a way to see live logs of pods, which is very useful for debugging and troubleshooting. In the v2.0 release, the log visualization has been rewritten to support pagination, filtering, the ability to disable/enable log streaming, and even a dark mode for terminal lovers. Do you want to see aggregated logs of multiple deployment pods? Not a problem! Just click on the parent resource such as Deployment, ReplicaSet, or StatefulSet and navigate to the Logs tab.

Banner Feature

Want to notify your Argo CD users of upcoming changes? Just specify the notification message and optional URL using the ui.bannercontent and ui.bannerurl attributes in the argocd-cm ConfigMap.

Core Features
  • The new sync option PrunePropagationPolicy=background allows using background deletion during syncing
  • New application finalizer allows using background deletion when the application is deleted
  • The new sync option ApplyOutOfSyncOnly=true allows skipping syncing resources that are already in the desired state.
  • The new sync option PruneLast=true allows deferring resource pruning until the last synchronization phase after all other resources are synced and healthy.
The argocd-util CLI

Argo CD Util is a CLI tool that contains useful commands for operators who manage Argo CD. Starting from this release the Argo CD Utility is published with every Argo CD release as a Homebrew installation.


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🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

Rebasing: Whenever MR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

🔕 Ignore: Close this MR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

  • If you want to rebase/retry this MR, check this box.

This MR has been generated by Renovate Bot.

Edited by Renovate Bot

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