chore(deps): update helm release cilium to v1.17.0
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This MR contains the following updates:
Package | Type | Update | Change |
cilium (source) | HelmChart | patch |
1.17.0-rc.2 -> 1.17.0
Release Notes
cilium/cilium (cilium)
: 1.17.0
We are excited to announce the Cilium 1.17.0 release!
A total of 2761 new commits have been contributed to this release by a growing community of over 880 developers and over 20,800 GitHub stars! :star_struck:
To keep up to date with all the latest Cilium releases, see Announcements
Here's what's new in v1.17.0:
Quality of Service: Annotate your Pods for Guaranteed, Burstable or BestEffort egress network traffic priority (#36025, @hemanthmalla) -
Multi-Cluster Service API: Use Kubernetes MCS to manage global services in a Cilium Cluster Mesh (#34439, @MrFreezeex) -
Load Balance based on L4 Protocol: Differentiate TCP and UDP based protocols for load balancing, so multiple services on the same port can be directed to different backends (#33434, @jibi) - :magnet: Per-Service LB Algorithms: Choose maglev or random load balancing algorithms for individual services (#35735, @kl52752)
Deny lists for Service source ranges: Control whether Kubernetes loadBalancerSourceRanges are treated as an allow or deny list (#36120, @borkmann) -
Better control over IPAM: IPs can be allocated statically using AWS tags, and multi-pool can support single IP ranges for pools (#34622, @antonipp; #34618, @juliusmh) -
Dynamic MTU detection: Cilium respects changes made to MTU made at runtime without requiring agent restart (#34314, @dylandreimerink)
:guardswoman: Security
Improved network policy performance: The cost of computing complex combinations of network policies has been reduced (Various MRs by @joamaki, @jrajahalme, @marseel, @nathanjsweet, @squeed and @youngnick) -
Prioritize critical network policies: Cilium respects Kubernetes priorityNamespaces to prioritize endpoint propagation for critical namespaces when using CiliumEndpointSlices (#34199, @Kaczyniec) -
Validate Network Policies: Receive better feedback from Kubernetes when creating network policies (#34585, @squeed; #35904, @renyunkang; #36598, @pippolo84) -
Select CIDRGroups by Label: Add labels to CIDRGroups and use these for network policy selection (#36087, @squeed) -
Extend ToServices for in-cluster services: Services with a selector can be selected with ToServices network policies statements (#34208, @chaunceyjiang) -
FQDN Filtering for hostNetwork: Use CiliumClusterwideNetworkPolicy to configure Layer 7 filtering for DNS requests on nodes in the cluster (#34024, @atykhyy) -
HTTP policies on port ranges: Redirect multiple ports in a single policy towards Envoy for Layer 7 filtering of HTTP traffic (#36056, @jrajahalme)
Gateway API 1.2.1: Add support for the latest Gateway API v1.2.1 release, including HTTP retries and mirror fractions (#34720, @sayboras) -
Static Gateway Addressing: Cilium now supports statically specifying addresses for gateways (#33042, @chaunceyjiang) -
Improved Envoy TLS handling: Use SDS for managing TLS visibility secrets in Envoy, improving policy calculation speed and secrets access (#35513, @youngnick)
:artificial_satellite: Observability
Dynamic Hubble Metrics: Configure Hubble metrics with a new hubble-metrics-config ConfigMap to tune your network observability (#35185, @rectified95) -
Track enabled features using Prometheus: The cilium-agent and cilium-operator components expose Prometheus metrics for which features are enabled. (#35852, @aanm) -
Many new metrics: Improved metrics related to BGP, network connections, network policy, pod management, and Cilium component status (Various MRs by @AwesomePatrol, @harsimran-pabla, @joestringer, @jshr-w, @mikejoh, @nimishamehta5, @odinuge, @ovidiutirla, @rectified95 and @sjdot)
Better cluster connectivity checking: The cilium-health component for cluster-wide network connectivity health detection is better tuned for reliable health checking at high scale (#35163, @jshr-w) -
Rate-limit monitor events: Balance the number of eBPF events against the CPU usage required to process them (#29711, @siwiutki) -
Double-Write Identity mode: New allocation mode for Security Identities to ease migration between CRD and KVStore identity backends (#31920, @antonipp) - :balance_scale: Better scale testing: This release benefits from regular automated scale testing for network policy (#35278, @marseel)
:houses: Community
Many end-users have stepped forward to tell their stories running Cilium in production. If your company wants to submit their case studies let us know. We would love to hear your feedback!- Seznam, Alibaba Cloud, SysEleven, QingCloud, ECCO, Reddit, Confluent, SamsungAds, and Sony
- The Cilium Annual Report 2024 was released covering all the highlights from across the community and marking the “Year of Kubernetes Networking”
- The community gathered at Cilium + eBPF Day and the Cilium Developer Summit in Salt Lake City
- Meet us at the upcoming CiliumCon and the Cilium Developer Summit in London
And finally, we would like to thank you to all contributors of Cilium that helped directly and indirectly with the project. The success of Cilium could not happen without all of you.
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